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I have seen many similar sites / companies, so to be honest I did not expect much in the beginning, but I am impressed – I like your approach and I think you are actually putting emphasis on exactly the interventions that work. Dr. Yoni Donner, Stanford University

So I took the Anders Jensen’s IQ test and scored a 118. Pretty ok. Then I completed the 20 day training. Honestly I waited a couple weeks before I took the JCTI. It said my index is 138. Did I just raise my IQ by 20 points?! Sean Tucker

Your 2G+ is the best DNB game. I took the Serebriakoff Advanced Culture Fair Test, untimed (SD15). I scored 148 on it. In the past, I have taken an untimed test and scored in the mid 130s. So, if untimed tests like these are supposed to measure pure fluid intelligence then I would say that my pure fluid intelligence increase a lot since I have been training with your software. Michael Fekade

I´m writing you for a feed-back with your program High IQ Pro.
Finally, as I told you last week, this morning I´ve past the WAIS-test, after 16 n-back sessions.
I´m really… amazing! My WAIS-IQ is 146 (percentile 99,9).
…I feel your program gave me an increased short-term memory. One of the WAIS subtest consists of repeating a series of numbers, as the High IQ Pro does. When I started training, it was difficult for me passing the 2-back phase, but in 16th I past the 6-back eventually, and found very very easy the 2, 3 and 4-back ones.
Thank you very much for helping me in my goal: join Mensa (and telling that my unfair boss, but I wont…). Good luck and congratulations for your programs! Mila

I had taken the Mensa test battery, consisting of the Wonderlic and the Reynold’s Adaptable Intelligence Test. I scored in the range of 92-95 percentile for both. In the beginning of the 2G+ I took your online fluid IQ test and scored around 100. After I finished the 40 sessions it went up to around 115. So that was an increase of about 15 points.

I’ve always wanted to join Mensa. I came across your article on Mensa membership and this inspired me to train with HighIQPro – in preparation for the Mensa qualifying exam. I stuck to the program, and it certainly helped me attain my life-long goal. Thank you for this software. Jana Oster

Hi…Im a great fan of your software….Im a mensa member now after using your software…it gave psychological satisfaction too …Thank u very much…u changed my life. Zuraisha Husen

We are actually using your program in two: my son 16, Mensa member, and I, 62. We both were surprised for the quality of your system, how deep it goes and for the positive effects we had just in few days. Sil G

A couple years ago I had done the traditional DNB, and saw some good benefits. I’ve now started the 1G, and wow I’m absolutely blown away. I’m three sessions in and I’m already seeing insane benefits with my cognitive flexibility and my ability to disseminate information. Insane. Keep up the great work! H. Christian

I have to tell you that today i think that it was the last day for the challenge. There are 2 more days for break, but the training is finished. I have to say that i had improved firstly in the game. Then i have to say that i suffered from burnout, from attention deficit and was weak on information processing and had improved. I also understood many questions from IQ tests, for example from Raven’s Progressive Matrices and other non-knowledge testing. I have improved my IQ. I have strong cognitive function and I have to say that my overall life had improved. I solved many hard sudoku puzzles which i couldn’t solve before. I did excellent on verbal reasoning iq tests. I started to better manipulate my thoughts and i think clearly whenever i want. I developed the ability to think with the help of your game. My decision-making skills had drastically improved! I have had great time completing the challenge. My emotions had also improved.
I am extremely satisfied. I would want the gFocus app in order to complete the cognitive training process. Hristijan Zlatevski

While I am only about 1/6 of the way through, I have been experiencing …gains in clarity, organization, concentration, information retention, composition/writing, and decreased anxiety. It was a bit of a leap of faith to start, but I believe I am seeing the benefits. Zach S.

I LOVE this program! I have literally only done a few complete sessions (and some practice sessions) and have noticed definite improvements in cognitive control, working memory, mental efficiency and self-control under serious stress. Thanks for putting together this fantastic software. Marissa P.

Good job! I confirm you the increases. Lately i have been training as hell for professional football performances + 2 times a day HighIqpro – in any conditions + 2 or 3 times IQ puzzles after the dual back. This simple strategy has increased:

– speed, and results in IQ.

– calm. Total control over any type of stressful situations

– i learn and reason through things more deeply, more efficiently.

– Self-confidence is higher.

– IQ tests are higher. (120, which is not bad and with more training can still improve by few points)



Dave and I both use IQ Mindware. This is one of the brain hacking techniques from The Bulletproof Executive program, and it’s close to my heart because I’ve used it with great success, boosting my IQ at least 18 points (I took standardized IQ tests before and after). Dave “only” gained 12 IQ points from it, but he didn’t do as many sessions as I did, and he’d already raised his IQ with other methods. From an efficiency perspective, that’s incredible. I gained 2.75 IQ points for every hour of brain training I did.
The best part about [the] training is that it’s permanent. After the 20 sessions you see above I did no training for a full 8 months to see if I’d forget the skill and have to start over. The results were an astounding OPPOSITE of what I expected, as if my brain had further optimized itself during the 8 months off.
I’ve used a Zeo to track my sleep patterns after N-back training to see what my brain was up to the following night. The result? Drastically higher REM sleep percentages, often between 30-40% of sleep–proof enough that the N-back training boosts brain optimization significantly. One night my REM even exceeded light.  Andrew Clark, previously COO of Bulletproof Executive


I scored exceptionally high in a administrated Stroop test that changed conditions when I applied for the airforce.  I’ve noticed an increased speed of learning things as well as a increased motivation. It seems that everything comes easier with less effort after training.” Pontus Granström

I study statistical mathematics and its applications (Dennis D. Wackerly’s textbook is our course textbook) and I found it so easy to actually sit down and concentrate on the subject. So simple that it got me thinking that if this is how easily everyone else can focus, then I’ve been missing out. S. Ankersø

I’m an air traffic controller for the FAA and since I’ve started using your software, I have noticed considerable improvements in my mental acuity while working. I will be transferring to a higher volume facility within several months and would like as much of an advantage during a 3 year intense training to succeed overall and possible promotion. Bill Schuller

You have a very good product. I am retired from the insurance industry and spend all my time reading in medicine and law.  Your program produces measurable results in sustained levels of focus and comprehension. I do my exercises before I begin writing and my product is more helpful to and considerate of my readers. It serves to improve my writing in the traditional assessments of objectivity. Thank you for producing such a good product.” M. Weiser

I’m more interested in my overall brain fitness and intelligence for work than IQ tests, but I took the dk IQ test before my training – and the other valid IQ test after it. I scored 15 points higher. This was a big surprise to me. I’m very happy to have put the effort into this scientifically based training rather than wasting my time with other ‘brain fitness workouts’ that have been proven to be a waste of time. I find that I’m sharper and problem solving much better at work, and I’m generally able to focus better – I’m much less easily distracted. Richard Olson


In prep for MCATs, this program is great. Since intelligence and problem-solving demands different factors, why not train them all? I benefited most from improving my working memory and fluid intelligence. I am sharper, without any doubt, because of this brain training and will continue pushing my limits. Isabell Robb

I had been training and I recently took an LSAT (after some LSAT prep) and received a score in the 98th percentile. I would never have expected a change this large one to 2 years back, especially on verbal reasoning as I had always been weak in it – I started speaking at a very late age and had a low verbal score when I took a high school IQ test. I can witness what you write thanks to the constant use of HighIQPro and gFocus: two anabolic and INSANE apps for their effects! S. Panucci

You were right! I kept at it and am now averaging n = 6.5 after 24 sessions. Thanks so much for sharing this technology with people! I’m enjoying your blog as well. It does seem to be helping my cognitive effectiveness so far, at least on Raven’s matrices IQ tests. I scored a 118 on the Anders Jensen before the training, and after the training I scored a 768 on the TRI-52, which I suppose translates roughly to a 133-134 IQ. Ryuta Arisaka

Brain Health

My resilience has benefitted immensely; this semester I followed 45 ECTS worth of courses and had emotional leftovers to support my friends and family. Stefan A.

Since I am diagnosed with bipolar type -1 and ADHD, my anxiety and stress levels are very high at times. Currently, I am in university where the workload and social anxiety has caused me great anxiety in the classrooms. I am always second guessing my IQ and always never want to appear “stupid” to anyone. Due to this, I have played many brain training games and you are the only brain training game I have stuck with. Justin G.

Over the past couple of months, I have been able to study, and work through extremely long study sessions, without mental fatigue, actually retain the information that I am studying during these sessions, and apply the facts to real world problems, something that was impossible in just October. Blake Smith

I must say your product has really changed my life….After a lot of soul searching and therapy to ease my anxious mind I concluded I probably had ADD, and my working memory was the real problem. I’m still between n-back 2 and 3, but in real life the changes have been massive and I am now going all out on the SAT to get into my dream college. I really hope that this software gets its way to more people with the same type of issues as I have because the results it does produce are nothing short of amazing. J. Bexelius

I would like to mention an interesting benefit of N-back. After 20 days of training my working memory capacity has increased from 2.1 to 6.7. I have symptoms of dyslexia, though, after starting playing n-back, my verbal abilities have significantly improved.A. Kutay

I have noticed changes that I did not expect. For example, I seem to be cured of my ADHD. Man i am grateful. I just got this for my family members and best friend. I cannot believe how affordable this software is. I will pay a million dollars for it. O. Mordi, US military