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The Far Transfer Problem

Effective brain training hinges on achieving far transfer – it’s what truly sets a program apart. If a brain training provider does not explain the difference between near and far transfer, or how their methods support far transfer, they are not be fully addressing the key to real-world IQ enhancement.

Near Transfer: Near transfer occurs when skills learned in training improve performance on tasks that are similar to those trained. This type of transfer is limited to tasks or activities that are similar to the training exercises.

Far Transfer: This involves applying learned skills and abilities across a wide range of contexts or situations outside of the training protocol. Far transfer is the ultimate goal of cognitive training, aiming to increase general intelligence based on a relatively quick training program (e..g four weeks).

The Problem: Traditional brain training often struggles to achieve far transfer. Gains usually remain specific to the tasks practiced, not extending broadly to other areas of cognition or general intelligence.

A Solution: The Trident Far Transfer Brain Training (TTT) works because it harnesses what is called ‘brain criticality’ – an optimal brain state we may experience as being relaxed and alert, and easily able to switch from being relaxed to being ‘in the zone.’ Being in this state helps with far transfer from your training, increasing both cognitive capacity as well as efficiency within that capacity.

Trident transfer brain training

The Trident: The central fork of the trident is the ‘in the zone’ brain critical state where training benefits are optimized and where IQ performance is maximized. The two outer forks are executive function (‘left brain’) and creative insight (‘right brain’) which are both integrated in a high IQ. Moving down to the shaft of the trident, here we can be productive on autopilot and where learning consolidation occurs..

Trident Brain Training Method

The training program requires 20-30 minutes per day, 5 days a week for 4 weeks for long-term neuroplasticity change to increase both cognitive efficiencies and overall capacity in general intelligence. At its core this involves doing a combination of brainwave entrainment (10 mintues) followed by app-based brain training with visual or semantic streaming. This is shown in the 1-2-3 axis above. The additional strategies numbered can further support this core training.

(1) Brain Criticality ϕ

A brain in a critical or near-critical state (known as a ϕ state) is one that operates at a point of optimal balance between order and chaos, under-stimulation and over-excitation, allowing for maximal computational efficiency, adaptability, and responsiveness to stimuli.

Training the brain at critical or near-critical states may be experienced as being in the zone. This is the central fork of the trident model, balancing executive and creative functioning. 

Criticality Supports Far Transfer

  • Optimal Cognitive Engagement: Training in the zone or at critical states involves peak cognitive engagement, where attention, motivation, and cognitive resources are used optimally.  During critical states, intelligence-related brain networks become more efficient and integrated, enhancing the brain’s ability to access and process information rapidly and effectively. This benefits the depth and breadth of learning, promoting transfer to a wide range of cognitive tasks.
  • Reduced Interference: Training in a critical state reduces cognitive interference from irrelevant or competing information, allowing for clearer and more focused learning experiences. Critical states improve the brain’s ability to distinguish important signals from background noise. This enhanced signal-to-noise ratio ensures that the relevant information from the training task is more clearly perceived and processed which results in efficient encoding of new information. This can amplify the training effects and increase the likelihood of these effects transferring to other cognitive domains.
  • Dynamic Network Connectivity: Near-critical states are characterized by dynamic and flexible brain network connectivity. This flexibility allows integration across different brain regions, which can support the transfer of skills to diverse and unrelated tasks and knowledge domains.
  • Enhanced Neural Plasticity & Learning Efficiency: Critical brain states are associated with heightened neural plasticity, meaning the brain is more adaptable and capable of forming new connections for learning efficiency, requiring less time and effort to achieve significant gains. This efficiency can result in more motivating and robust learning outcomes, which are more likely to transfer beyond the trained tasks.

O’Byrne & Jerbi, 2022 (link)

The TTT method harnesses these principles of brain criticality to maximize far transfer capacity gains due to the brain’s heightened plasticity, dynamic connectivity, and optimal cognitive engagement during brain training.

(2) Baseline Brain States & Neural Entrainment

If you look at the figure above, not everyone has an optimal critical ‘baseline’ brain state – some individuals are more subcritical/stable and some individuals more supercritical/chaotic at baseline. The Trident training method uses neural entrainment (gamma, alpha, and theta binaural beats) using a quick brain state test, in order to induce more optimal brain criticality for cognitive training.


  1. Gamma (γ) Wave Entrainment for Subcritical States:
    • Brain State Description: Subcritical brain states involve low arousal and responsiveness, which manifest as drowsiness, flatness or low motivation.
    • How Gamma Helps: Excitatory gamma waves support executive cognitive processing, attention focus & flexibility. Entraining the brain to this frequency can stimulate neural activity, enhancing alertness and improving cognitive performance, thus bringing the brain closer to a critical state where it can best integrate and process information.
    • The Trident:  Gamma is a carrier signal for executive and creative mode processing – the left and right prongs of the trident.
  2. Alpha (α) Wave Entrainment for Supercritical States:
    • Brain State Description: Supercritical states are marked by high arousal levels, which may include feelings of over-excitement, distractability or a racing mind.
    • How Alpha Helps: Inhibitory alpha waves are associated with relaxed, internally directed and ‘autopilot mode’ cognitive processing. Entrainment to alpha waves can help dampen an over-excited supercritical brain, reducing excessive neural firing to bring the brain back to criticality.
    • The Trident:  Alpha is a carrier signal for the shaft of the trident – our ‘base’ of consolidated background knowledge and skills.
  3. Theta (θ) Wave Entrainment for Optimal Near-Critical States:
    • State Description: An optimal or near-critical state is when the brain is engaged but not stressed, characterized by balanced alertness and calm – often experienced as being ‘in the zone.’
    • How Theta Helps: Theta waves are associated with hippocampal working memory function and relational processing. When the brain is already in an optimal brain critical state, theta entrainment can enhance cognitive processing for IQ and memory, and prime the brain for far-transfer training benefits.
    • The Trident:  Theta is a signal of for the central fork of the Trident – fluid intelligence and relational processing (IQ).

These entrainment strategies are implemented with the goal of modulating the brain’s arousal levels to a near-critical state. This state is ideal for cognitive training, because it balances the stability and flexibility of neural networks, allowing for optimal cognitive function, learning transfer, and memory integration. By adjusting the brain’s arousal level with specific neural entrainments, the Trident system aims to maximize the effectiveness of cognitive training tasks such as the dual n-back and visual streaming.

(3) Capacity-Strategy Training  


Capacities in trident training are targeted through brain training apps such as the n-back and visual streaming, designed to expand cognitive bandwidth resulting in general application of cognitive resources. How It Helps: By building high level functional skills in cognition, capacity training underpins far transfer with applications in complex tasks across wide ranging domains. How We Build It In: We have developed brain training apps such as dual n-back variations to sharpen core skills such as working memory updating and attention control, expanding bandwidth and processing speed for a wide range of IQ demanding cognitive tasks in real life.

Strategies = Mindware

Mindware is rules and structured prompts designed to guide and channel cognitive processing strategically. It targets strategic knowledge rather than direct cognitive skills. How It Helps: By combining mindware strategies with capacity app training, mindware training equips individuals with the tools to improve planning, reasoning, creative insight and lateral thinking. How We Build It In: Our mindware training is packaged in prompts and templates, providing rule sets for key thought processes.  This builds our ability to apply learned strategies to improve results flexibly and effectively in real life.

Supplementary Training

Below are additional supplementary Trident training principles:

(4)  BioQ

Stress-relaxation/relief (SR) cycles can promote baseline brain critical states, as well as overall physical health, resilience and wellbeing. Managing such cycles is part of what we call biological intelligence (BioQ).

Hormesis is the beneficial adaptive response to relative low dose and short-lived stress(‘good stress’) that enhances cognitive function, resilience, and overall brain health. Hormetic interventions such as these below can promote mitochondrial function, enhance oxidant resistance, and improve neuroplasticity & cognitive performance.

a. Exercise: Exercise is a well-documented hormetic intervention that improves neuroplasticity and cognitive performance. It increases the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which supports the growth, differentiation, and survival of neurons. Exercise-induced hormesis enhances synaptic plasticity, learning, and memory.

b. Intermittent Fasting: Caloric restriction has been shown to improve cognitive function and protect against neurodegenerative diseases. It activates signaling pathways that promote neuroplasticity and enhance cognitive performance. For example, caloric restriction increases the production of neurotrophic factors and reduces neuroinflammation, contributing to neuroprotection and improved brain health.

c. Breathwork: Studies have indicated that intermittent hypoxia with Wim Hoff type breathwork can enhance cognitive function and neuroplasticity. A beginner exercise we use is found here.

d. Cold Exposure: Cold exposure (wild swimming, cold showers or cryotherapy) can stimulate the production of norepinephrine and dopamine, which enhances mood, neuroplasticity and cognitive function. Cold exposure also increases the levels of BDNF, promoting neuroplasticity and resilience to stress. Additionally, it may improve attention and reduce inflammation, contributing to better cognitive performance and brain health​.

e. Phytochemicals: Phytochemicals (found in coffee, Macha green tea, turmeric, broccoli, kale, red grapes, blueberries, Lion’s Mane mushrooms, etc.) can improve brain function through their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective properties, and ability to promote neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity. These benefits are supported by various studies demonstrating improvements in memory, learning, and overall cognitive performance.

The Relaxation Response is a physiological state of deep rest that counteracts the effects of stress. It is characterized by decreased heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, and respiration rate, along with an increase in feelings of well-being and calmness. This response is essentially the parasympathetic opposite of the stress-induced “fight or flight” response, countering stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, lowering blood pressure, and improve heart rate variability (HRV), while promoting more restorative sleep. Combined with hormesis in daily cycles, it can promote overall physiological balance and brain criticality since we know that HRV correlates with measures of brain criticality. The relaxation response can be induced by the following interventions:

a. Diaphragmatic (Belly) Breathing: A deep breathing technique that involves engaging the diaphragm in slow rhythmic cycles (typically 4-6 cycles per minute) to fully inflate the lungs, promoting relaxation by reducing stress and improving oxygen exchange.

b. Progressive Muscle Relaxation: A technique that involves systematically tensing and then relaxing different muscle groups in the body to reduce physical tension and induce a state of relaxation.

c. Yoga Nidra: A guided meditation practice that brings participants into a state of deep relaxation and consciousness, promoting physical, emotional, and mental relaxation through body awareness and visualisation techniques – often involving diaphragmatic breathing and progressive muscle relaxation. Yoga Nidra can also help promote restorative non-REM sleep.

d. Relief: The emotional and physiological response that occurs when a stressor is removed or a feared outcome is avoided. This natural response can lead to a relaxation effect, reducing stress and promoting a sense of calm and well-being.

Combining ‘good stress’ with the relaxation response in cycles (e.g. cold water swimming followed by relief and perhaps deep relaxation techniques, or running followed by Yoga Nidra) is a recommended strategy for building baseline health, resilience and brain criticality.

(5) Brain Critical Non-REM CAP Sleep

Trident training promotes healthy sleep cycles with periods of deep, non-REM sleep which have been shown to improve the gains from cognitive training. Recent studies highlight the significant role of Non-REM sleep, particularly its Cyclic Alternating Pattern (CAP), in supporting brain plasticity and learning. CAP phases of deep NREM sleep have brain critical network properties. Sleep spindles during NREM sleep are crucial for synaptic plasticity and memory consolidation, enhancing learning processes. The synaptic homeostasis hypothesis, which suggests that slow-wave sleep (SWS) in NREM downscales synaptic strength built up during wakefulness, maintaining optimal brain plasticity. CAP induces a dynamic sleep environment that supports the processing and consolidation of daytime brain training or learning.

(6) Metacognition

Metacognition in brain training involves cognitive self-awareness, reflection and self-assessment for learning and strategy fine-tuning. How It Helps: It supports learners in understanding their own thinking and learning processes better. This aids in tracking improvements, continuously improving cognitive strategies and recognising how mindware and skills may be applied in new contexts for far transfer. How We Build It In: Mindware, educational materials and coaching prompts systematic metacognition and reflection during training programs and real life.

(7) High Demand (Catalyst) Project  

High Demand (Catalyst) Projects in cognitive training are designed to significantly increase the capacity demands on learners, thus fostering the necessity for enhanced cognitive ‘supply.’ How It Helps: Engaging in challenging and complex projects stretches cognitive capacities and compels learners to apply, extend, and optimize their cognitive resources. How We Build It In: Trident brain training programs incorporate real-life projects that are intrinsically motivating and sufficiently challenging, encouraging learners to apply their training in contexts that mirror the pressures and demands of real-world situations. These projects act as catalysts, driving the need for enhanced cognitive functioning and facilitating far transfer by requiring the application of skills in novel and varied scenarios.

(8) IQ Multipliers  

Multipliers in cognitive training involve leveraging environmental and social contexts that reinforce cognitive growth long-term, such as committing to break-through projects, learning communities or challenging work environments. How It Helps: These environmental and social supports extend the benefits of cognitive training by providing diverse, rich experiences that foster the continuous application and refinement of cognitive skills in various real-world settings. External factors can multiply the effects of inherent abilities and targeted cognitive training in  feedback cycles. How We Build It In: We provide educational courses via Discord channels to facilitate multiplier effects, while also pivoting training around meaningful projects in real life.

Breakthrough Research

Enhancing cognition through brain training interventions has seen a surge in popularity over the past 20 years. Emerging out of early controversies and periods of arrested progress, the last few years have seen an emergence of some breakthrough paradigms, pioneered by leading researchers in brain training, as detailed below. Click on the links to access the papers.

Published Research with IQ Mindware apps

Research published in Frontiers in Psychology by Veloso & Ty (2020) has demonstrated both working memory gains and improved cognitive resilience from IQ Mindware app training – as quoted from their paper:

working memory gains IQ Mindwware

Trident G Training Research Paper

The scientific pee reviewed pre-print of the Trident G Training system by Dr. Mark Ashton Smith can be accessed by clicking on the icon.

Ashton Smith, M. (2024). Trident G: Free Energy & Brain Criticality Based Theory of Intelligence & Resilience.

Research Labs & Seminal Papers

Claudia C. von Bastian and her colleagues at the Department of Psychology, University of Sheffield, UK. heads the Cognitive Ability and Plasticity Lab.

Seminal Brain Training Paper

Da-Wei Zhang, Ph.D. Monash University, Australia. (Link.) Research interests centred on  Cognitive Enhancement, such as AI feedback for learning.

Julia Ericson & Torkel Klingberg. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience – Torkel Klingberg Group.

Julia Ericson & Torkel Klingberg - Klingberg Lab

Susanne M. Jaeggi, Ph.D. Principle Investigator. Working Memory & Plasticity Lab, University of California, Irvine.

Dr. Susanne M. Jaeggi and the Working Memory & Plasticity Lab.