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I am excited to introduce potential partners or affiliates to the Trident Brain Training System, a cutting edge, evidence-based approach designed to augment general intelligence through targeted cognitive training. Developed by Dr Mark Ashton Smith, our system leverages principles from neuroscience and cognitive science to deliver comprehensive training programs that enhance various cognitive functions, including executive functioning, creativity, cognitive resilience and fluid intelligence (IQ).

About the Trident Brain Training System:

Structured Training Modes: Each program is tailored to specific cognitive needs:

Executive Mode: Enhances executive functions and general IQ through long-term neuroplasticity change.
Creative Mode: Improves creativity and divergent thinking, leading to breakthroughs in innovative problem-solving.
Fluid Intelligence Mode: Focuses on enhancing fluid intelligence, critical for problem-solving and adaptive thinking​​.
Cognitive resilience: Builds cognitive flexibility and grit.

Comprehensive Support: Our training includes access to neural entrainment audio files, detailed guides, and (soon) dedicated Discord channels for collaborative learning and support​​​​.

We are currently seeking affiliates and partners who share our vision of enhancing cognitive abilities through innovative brain training solutions. By partnering with us, you can offer your audience a proven, science-backed method to improve their cognitive functions and overall performance and resilience.

If you are interested in exploring potential affiliate and partnership opportunities, please do not hesitate to reach out. We would be delighted to discuss how we can collaborate to bring the benefits of the Trident Transfer Training (TTT) System to a wider audience.

Please get in touch at for details.


Dr. Mark Ashton Smith
Director, IQ Mindware
Director, Mindware Lab
Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology & Neuroscience, University of Essex Online